2019 Speakers

Rev. Dr. Charles Mugisha
Founder, Africa New Life Ministries Africa New Life Ministries supports over 10,000 children in Rwanda, providing them with access to education and vocational skills training. Across Rwanda, Mugisha has helped build several Churches and led several successful initiatives, including the Africa College of Theology and the Dream Medical Center in Kigali.

Bishop Darlingston Johnson
Senior Pastor, Bethel World Outreach Ministries (BWOM). BWOM International is a global organization which has planted more than 200 churches schools, and ministries in over 25 nations. Bishop Johnson is also the Founder and Senior Pastor of Bethel World Outreach Church—City of Hope in Olney, Maryland, a multicultural congregation of 2,500 members from over 45 nations.

Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira
Guest Speaker Representing Her Excellency, the First Lady of Rwanda, Jeannette Kagame. Dr. Kacyira is the former UN Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat. In addition, Dr. Kacyira has also served as the former Governor of Eastern Province, the Mayor of Kigali City (2006 - 2011), and as an Elected Member of Parliament.