RPBUSA's donation has reached out 2000 new participants

World Relief ‘s mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. In community with the local church,

WRR works with the local church in Kagogo Sector, in Burera Church Empowerment Zone to meet community needs.

Kagogo Sector has been selected among the sectors in need of water source and among the ones to receive RWHSs which give access to rain water to the church and people around it as well as 50 slow sand filters to 50 families. People in Kagogo normally travel a long distance ( 1-2 hours walking) to fetch water for a daily basis usage.

4 Rain water Harvesting systems were installed in Burera CEZ at 4 different churches, where more than 2,000 people will benefit from, as a water source.

Serving more than 2,000 most vulnerable people with clean water reduces water borne diseases within the whole community. Volunteers are trained and equipped to build and maintain the filters and RWHSs provided so as to ensure sustainability and the wellbeing of the people in Kagogo Sector.

Without your generous support, CEZ Burera would not have achieved these additional numbers and we would like to extend our gratitudes and thanks to you for your love and generosity to the people of Kagogo Sector.

Your labor in the Lord is not in vain. I Corinthian 15:58